As a non-profit arts organization, we count on your generous donations, gift giving and sponsorships to sustain us. We also need you as attendees to our productions. With your support, we are able to offer you high quality programs and entertainment. Producing a musical theatre production, takes not only  volunteers and time, but also money. Many people don't realize the cost we face to put on these wonderful performances. Our large scale productions which are shown at the Hardy Center cost an average of $25,000.00. For what, you wonder? Well, there's the cost of the play rights and the musical scores, the technical equipment rental, the costumes (some are made, some are bought), makeup, the materials to build sets, the fees for rehearsal space rental at the Hardy Center Auditorium, director and musicians fees, marketing costs, and more! Depending on what musical we produce the cost varies. So, you can see why we need YOUR support. Every dollar counts. In order to offset the high costs of venue rental, we have started a capitol campaign to raise money to purchase or build our own theatre and arts center. This is a three year plan and we need your help to make this a reality.

Please consider helping our organization out by making a donation today. You can even set up a recurring donation if that's more convenient for you.

Thank you from all of us who thrive on the arts!


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